We build confidence and empower.
leTtING you see yourself in a different light by bringing out the goddess within and celebrating you through the art of portraits

Photography Services

What they’re saying
“I found Joy and Happiness in my life. After fighting and surviving hardships for the past 40 years I finally realized how to be kind to myself. At 51 I am stronger than ever. I'm complete. A big thank you to the beautiful and kind Elena, for being part of the final touches in my transformation. For showing me through the lens of her camera, my inner strength matches my outer. That I am Beautiful . I'm so excited for what's to come.”

Some of my favourite portraits from previous sessions.
I want you to be able to look at your portrait and see yourself as I see you through my lens - strong, confident, powerful, and beautiful.
Exist in photographs. It is not vanity, it’s LEgacy. We are all unique, we have our own story, and you are a legend worth documenting.
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what they’re saying
“Hands down the best and most professional photographer. Elena is able to transform each individual to their best versions through the most elegant form. I have done both of my maternity and family photoshoot sessions with her. The photos came out stunning and absolutely perfect (I’m a picky person and I’m not able to pick out any imperfection). Plus their makeup artist Melissa is the best as well, she tailored looks based on everyone’s preference, and changes the look as the outfits change.”
—April L.

Meet Elena
Professional Portrait Photographer
With all my heart, I believe that the female form is art, regardless of the shape it takes. To me, your looks (no matter how stunning they may be) are the least interesting thing about you. You are enough and you are amazing exactly as you are right now, not 20lbs from now, not 20 years ago, but right now. I believe I was put on this planet to create strong and beautiful imagery FOR women, not of women for someone else.
reconnect with your feminine side